Better known as the PJG/TKE Alumni Scholarship, Pete’s dream continues due to the generosity of fraters like you and those whom knew him.  For 2015 nominees were so outstanding that evaluators are again awarding two scholarships.

Madison Leader of Exira-Elk Horn Kimballton (Iowa) High School was nominated by Delta Nu Frater Max Knudsen, scroll 779.  Ranking #2 in her class, through 7 semesters of high school, Madison has been on the honor roll 7 times; plus, she has already accumulated 27 hours of college credits!  In high school she has been active with the FFA, National Honor Society, Talented and Gifted Program plus sports, including volleyball, basketball and track.

Community involvement includes volunteering at the Habitat for Humanity, Meals for the Heartland, Food Pantries, blood drives and Adopt-Highway.  The central theme of her recommendations is “leadership.”  Madison is a charter member of the Spartan Leo Club (Exira Lion Club for teens), her teachers tout her “strong academic credentials and ideals.”  “…demonstrated responsibility and initiative in meeting her goals.”

Madison plans to major in Ag. Business at NWMSU, focusing on “financial and the planning side.”  She would “…like to come back to my hometown and start a career and family…”  She wants to give back to her community and raise her family in the Exira-Elk Horn Kimballton School District.

Karolyn Johnson of Elkhorn (Nebraska) South High School was nominated by Delta Nu alum, Bruce Barlow, scroll 533.  She has made the honor roll each quarter through high school and was named an outstanding student in her sophomore year.  During high school she has been a wrestling manager for three years, member of PEP Club and SADD.  But, her outside activities take up most of her time as Karolyn is a competitive horse rider!  Yet, she still finds time for her church youth group, tutoring and volunteering at the open door mission.

Karolyn is best described by her teachers: “Parents and teachers alike encourage their children or students to follow their dreams and never give up.  Karly Johnson showed me just how closely she listened and acted upon that advice in an essay she wrote about giving up her horse.  What I learned about Karly in the essay also accurately describes her as a student in my classroom:  disciplined, determined, and genuinely passionate about caring for others. …she is not the kind of student that tackles tough projects last.”

Another teacher writes:  “Karolyn’s academic performance is a given”  “Where Karolyn stands out is in her time management, a most essential life skill.”  What is so impressive is her ability to complete work in advance of her absences (horse competitions).”  “There are so few young people that are dedicated enough to handle everything!  And Karolyn does so with a smile!!  Karolyn is the rare mix of intellect, poise, maturity, calm demeanor, and 100% reliability.”

At an early age Karolyn discovered her “genuine compassion for young children.”  She plans on becoming an elementary school teacher; her goal at Northwest, to become the greatest teacher she can become.

Both Karolyn and Madison work multiple part-time jobs including life guarding, retail, waitressing, and both feel babysitting and child care is a serious responsibility.

Congratulations Madison and Karolyn!

Each applicant is rated in several areas that include:  Attendance, Essay Quality, Need, Overall Presentation and Participation, Recommendation Letters and Transcript.  Find the application on website.  TKE alumni serve as evaluators and scholarships and the scholarship exists solely through donations.

Dick Westbrook, 675