Peter J. Greve TKE Alumni Scholarship

The Peter J. Greve TKE Alumni Scholarship was established by a group of Delta Nu alumni with the goal of promoting Northwest Missouri State, TKE and the achievement of a college education. This is a $1,000 scholarship that will be awarded to an incoming freshman/graduating high school senior. To be eligible, applicants must have maintained a high school cumulative GPA of 3.0 or above from ninth grade through the first semester of their senior year. The applicant must be an accepted entering freshman by Northwest Missouri State University and nominated by a TKE alumnus. No specific major is required.

Delta Nu TKE alumni will serve as evaluators and will review student transcripts, supporting information, and recommendation letters in their deliberations. As monies allow, several scholarships can be awarded. Applications are due annually on February 1st.
TKE alumni are encouraged to forward this application to another TKE alumnus, a teacher, a guidance counselor, or a friend who may know someone who plans to attend NWMSU in the fall.
To see the scholarship’s public page and the scholarship application, please visit the Scholarship button at the top of the website.

Peter J. Greve TKE Alumni Scholarship Fund – Tax Deductible

To donate to the Peter J. Greve TKE Alumni Scholarship, enter the amount you would like to donate, optional “In the Name of”, then click the Paypal button to donate.

How to donate to scholarships through the Northwest Foundation
Send check or money order payable to: Northwest Foundation, Inc.; indicate the scholarship fund in check memo; mail to: Northwest Foundation, Inc., 800 University Drive, Maryville, MO  64468-6001
Online gifts:; select GIVE TO NORTHWEST, ONLINE GIVING, complete the donor information, then select SCHOLARSHIP and fill in the amount of donation.  Scroll over NON-DEPARTMENT SCHOLARSHIPS at the bottom, and then select either Tau Kappa Epsilon Memorial Scholarship or TKE Alumni Scholarship.

Is your donation tax deductible? Yes, the Northwest Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so gifts to these scholarship funds are tax deductible as allowable by law.
 Any donation to Northwest, including our two scholarships, of at least $50/individual or $85/couple automatically includes membership in the Northwest Alumni Association for one year.


To send a check directly to these funds, please make the check payable to:

Delta Nu Alumni Association

And mail it to: 

Delta Nu Alumni Association
1805 Arabian Avenue
Naperville, IL 60565
Attention: Brad Shelton


And in the memo line of the check, list the purpose of the fund, such as: Peter J Greve TKE Alumni Scholarship Fund