DATE UPDATED: March 11, 2010 SCROLL #: 351
NAME: Charles L Riley
CURRENT ADDRESS: 5N875 Mill Stone Dr St Charles, IL 60175
PREVIOUS PLACES LIVED: Helena, Montana, Zion, Illinois, Buffalo, NY, Bettendorf, Iowa, Independence, Missouri, Des Moines, Iowa
BIRTHDATE: February 3, 1940 BIRTHPLACE: Des Moines, IA
No additional degrees. In 31 years of law enforcement with the US Food and Drug Administration, there was necessary training in personnel management and investigative procedures which was provided by the government.
CURRENT OCCUPATION: Retired but still willing
CAREER SUMMARY: From 1966, I traveled as an FDA investigator based in Kansas City, Missouri, Davenport, Iowa, Buffalo, NY, Great Lakes (Illinois)Naval Training Center, Helena, Montana. In 1977 I became a supervisory investigator in Chicago, IL, and in 1987 a legal / compliance officer, Chicago, IL. In 1997 I retired from FDA to work for a pharmaceutical manufacturer, and then consulted 6 years for another drug maker. I taught school one year, and have coached high school soccer and Rugby for the past 10 years. We are now exploring a possible Peace Corps assignment – we welcome whatever adventure is still possible.
FAMILY BIOGRAPHY: On June 22, 1962 I married Dixie, who has been the best possible partner, mother and grandmother. She is now a retired accountant who loves quilting and travel. We have 2 daughters and 2 sons, all with degrees plus 3 advanced degrees. They provided 11 grandchildren who range from age 3 to 23.
SPECIAL INTERESTS: We live in a soccer hotbed, and our kids and grandkids played, while the elders coached and refereed. I took up Rugby in my 30s, as a founding member of the Helena Rugby Club, and founder of Elgin (Ill) Rugby club. We love travel, and have visited Europe many times with soccer and Rugby tours. I celebrate milestone years, such as 55, 60, 65, by playing a not-so-serious Rugby match with my local club. Dixie was a gifted distance runner, and so we ran road races for many years, until arthritis sidelined her. Besides sports we have worked for the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts many years. We remain hopeful for the future of America’s children.
HONORS OR RECOGNITION: 11 wonderful kids call me “Grandpa.”