Dedicated to Frater Richard W. Wiles, DN #365, who through his true dedication to Delta Nu Chapter of Tau Kappa Epsilon exemplifies the meaning of
“Teke for Life.”
Frater Wiles served as The Delta Nu Chapter House Corporation Chairman for 28 years, beginning his service in 1965. Under his leadership he has served as a true example to all Fraters who have been initiated into the bond of TKE at
Northwest Missouri State.
The names on this wall honor the “Teke for Life” commitment made by those Fraters names that appear here.
These contributors to our fraternity and its successful continuation on the Northwest campus are a true testament to the TKE bond that last’s a lifetime.
Their dedication and support to Delta Nu chapter and the fraternity experiences of brotherhood and leadership along with the living of our core values
Love, Charity and Esteem
are a testament to Frater Wiles and to all men of Tau Kappa Epsilon.
These are the triple obligations of every Frater in the bond.
Dedicated to Richard “Mr. Wiles” Wiles on this 13th day of November, 1999
New TKE House-Alumni Fundraising Committee
Co-Chairmen: Lee King, DN # 296 & Joe Saubers, DN #930
Secretary: Stephen Moss, DN #927
Treasurer: Dwight Grantham, DN # 125
Committee Members:
Jerry Knauss, DN #345 Stephen Eckard, DN # 536
Michael Reiff, DN #1120 Rick Kimball, DN# 1052
Active Chapter Prytani:
Chris Peasley, DN #1248-1998 Kent Turpin, DN#1258-1999